1. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to change the working directory?
A cd
B changedir
C chdir
D cdir

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2. Which is the earliest and most widely used shell that came with the UNIX system?
A C shell
B Korn shell
C Bourne shell
D Smith shell

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3. Which command is used in Unix to display the end of the file?
A head - r
B tail
C eof
D bof

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4. Which command is used in Unix to create a directory?
A crdir
B md
C mkdir
D cr

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5. Which command is used in Unix to display the device name of the terminal you are using?
A who
B ls
C tty
D stty

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6. Which command is used in Unix to set the three permissions for all the three categories of users of a file?
A chgrp
B chown
C chmod
D chusr

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7. Which of the following keys is used in Unix to overstrike a whole line?
B v
D u

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8. Which of the following options is used with vi editor in Unix to ignore case while searching for patterns?
A ic
B ai
C sm
D ts

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9. Which command is used in Unix to print a file?
A print
B prn
C pg
D lp

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10. Which command is used in Unix to change directory to the file beginning with a 'p'?
A cd p
B cd p?
C cd p*
D cd [p]

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11. Which command is used in Unix to list all the files with extension .lst?
A ls -l *.lst
B ls lst*
C ls *.*
D ls *[lst]

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12. Which of the following is not a filter in Unix?
A cat
B grep
C wc
D None of the above

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13. Which option will be used in Unix with touch command to change the access time?
A -a
B -b
C -t
D -h

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14. Which of the following command in Unix addresses all users who are currently hooked on?
A write
B mail
C wall
D mesg

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15. In Unix vi editor, forward search is performed using the command.
A :pat
B ?pat
C /pat
D All of the above

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16. Which symbol will be used with grep command in Unix to match the pattern kon at the beginning of a line?
A ^kon
B $kon
C kon$
D kon^

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17. Which command in Unix sends the word count of the file file1 to the newfile.
A wc file1 >newfile
B wc newfile
C wc file1 - newfile
D wc file1 | newfile

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18. Which symbol is used in Unix to separate more than one command in the same command line?
A $
B #
C :
D ;

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19. Which option in Unix will be used with ps command to slow the entire command line of the process being run?
A -4
B -f
C -1
D -2

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20. Which of the following options will be used in Unix to display number of blocks used by a file?
A -c
B -i
C -d
D -s

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21. Which column contains all details of the permissions of a file when you issue the ls -l command in Unix?
A second
B fourth
C third
D first

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22. The cp command in Unix uses:
A standard input file
B standard output file
C both input and output file
D neither standard input nor standard output file

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23. Which option is used with the chmod command in Unix recursively to all files and sub-directories in a directory?
A -1
B -i
C -x
D -R

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24. Which command will be used with vi editor in Unix to replace single character under cursor with any number of characters?
A s
C a
D i

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25. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to display the filenames in multiple columns with indication of directories and executable file?
A ls -F -x
B ls -l
C ls ~ x
D Ip

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26. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to get directory one level up?
A cd
B cd ..
C cd/
D chdir

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27. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to view your file 24 lines at a time?
A pg
B cat
C lp
D /p

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28. If a file in Unix has read and write permissions for the owner, then the octal representation of the permissions will be
A 1
B 6
C 5
D 3

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29. Which option will be used in Unix with disk free command to include the total amount of disk space in the file system?
A -t
B -tt
C -4
D -i

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30. The chmod ugo+rw note command in Unix can be represented in octal notation as
A chmod 555 note
B chmod 666 note
C chmod 444 note
D chmod 333 note

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31. Which of the following files in Unix contains information related to password aging?
A Shadow
B password
C profile
D All the three

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32. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to display your working directory?
A dir
B prompt $p$g
C pwd
D path

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33. Which of the following special shell variables is used in Unix to process number of the last background job?
A $!
B $#
C $0
D $*

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34. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to update access and modification times of a file?
A grep
B wc
C touch
D cat

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35. The command in Unix which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is
A tee
B tr
C sort
D grep

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36. Which command is used in Unix to locate all the .profile files in the system?
A ls profile
B find /-name profile -print
C cd /.profile
D l -u .profile

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37. The commonly used UNIX commands like date, ls, cat, etc are stored in
A /dev directory
B /bin and /usr/bin directories
C /tmp directory
D /unix directory

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38. Which commands is used in Unix to assign executable permission to all of the files named "letter"?
A chmod ugo+r letter
B chmod ugo+rw letter
C chmod u+x letter
D chmod ugo+x letter

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39. Which command is used in Unix to remove a file?
A remove
B rm
C mv
D del

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40. Which command is used in Unix to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order
A sort
B sh
C st
D sort -r

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41. Which of the following directories in Unix contain all the Ales created by a user, including his login directory?
A /tmp
B /etc
C /usr
D /dev

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42. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to absolutely assign all permissions to the owner, read and write permissions to the group and only executable permission to the others of the file note?
A chmod 761 note
B chmod 671 note
C chmod 167 note
D chmod 4=rwx, g=rw note

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43. The ls -l command in Unix tells
A who the owner of the file is
B the name of the group owner of the file
C how large the file is and when the file was last modified.
D All of the above

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44. Which command is used in Unix to make all files and sub-directories in the directory (progs) executable by all users?
A chmod -R a+x progs
B chmod -R 222 progs
C chmod -1 a+x progs
D chmod -x a+x progs

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45. Which of the following commands is used in Unix to display the directory attributes rather than its contents?
A ls -l -d
B ls -l
C ls -x
D ls -F

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46. The Octal number to be given alogn with chmod command in Unix to make a file readable, writable and
executable to the owner, readable and executable to group and others is:
A 000
B 755
C 744
D 555

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47. Which command is used in Unix to change protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1,2 or 3 ?
A chmod u+x emp[l-3]
B chmod 777 emp*
C chmod u+r ??? emp
D chmod 222 emp?

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48. Which of the following keys is used in Unix to replace a single character with new text?
B s
C r

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49. The second set of the three permissions (r-) in Unix indicates that
A group has read permission only
B other has read permission only
C owner has read permission only
D group has write permission only

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50. Which of the following files will displayed by Unix command - cat *ch*
A patch
B catch
C .ch
D All of the above

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Available Soon.

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