Operating System MCQs > FREE SET - 2

1. The Memory Address Register
A is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed.
B is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory.
C contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into.
D contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write".

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2. Most of the microcomputer's operating systems like Apple DOS, MS DOS and PC DOS etc. are called disk operating systems because
A they are memory resident
B they are initially stored on disk
C they are available on magnetic tapes
D they are partly in primary memory and partly on disk

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3. Which of the following is not true about documentation?
A Documentation, of a system, should be as clear and direct as possible
B Documentation increases the maintenance time and cost
C Documentation gives better understanding of the problem
D All of the above

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4. The state transition initiated by the user process itself in an operating system is
A block
B dispatch
C wake up
D timer run out

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5. Special software to create a job queue is called a
A Drive
B Spooler
C Interpreter
D Linkage editor

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6. Indicate which, of the following, is not true about an interpreter
A Interpreter generates an object program from the source program
B Interpreter is a kind of translator
C Interpreter analyses each source statement every time it is to be executed
D All of the above

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7. Fragmentation of the file system
A occurs only if the file system is used improperly
B can always be prevented
C can be temporarily removed by compaction
D is a characteristic of all file systems

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8. Which table is a permanent database that has an entry for each terminal symbol
A Terminal table
B Literal table
C Identifier table
D Reductions

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9. What is the name of the system which deals with the running of the actual computer and not with the programming problems?
A Operating system
B Systems program
C Object program
D Source program

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10. Which are the most important features of Microsoft Windows program?
A Windows
B Pull-down menus
C Icons
D All of the above

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11. Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which data in a database system are accurate and correct?
A data security
B data validity
C data independence
D data integrity

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12. While working with MS-DOS, which command will you use to transfer a specific file from one disk to another?

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13. A development strategy whereby the executive control modules of a system are coded and tested first, is known as
A Bottom-up development
B Top-down development
C Left-Right development
D All of the above

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14. Capacity planning
A requires detailed system performance information
B is independent of the operating system
C does not depend on the monitoring tools available
D is not needed in small installations

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15. The disadvantages of "Compile and Go" loading scheme is :
A a portion of memory is wasted because the core occupied by the assembler is unavailable to the object program.
B it is necessary to retranslate the user's program deck every time it is run.
C it is very difficult to handle multiple segments, especially if the source programs are in different languages, and to produce orderly modular programs.
D all of the above

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16. The command interpreter
A is usually the primary user interface
B requires fixed format commands
C is menu drive
D is quite different from the SCL interpreter

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17. The Register - to - Register (RR) instructions
A have both their operands in the main store.
B which perform an operation on a register operand and an operand which is located in the main store, generally leaving the result in the register, except in the case of store operation when it is also written into the specified storage location.
C which perform indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and leave the result in one of the registers.
D all of the above

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18. Job Control Language (JCL) statements are used to
A Read the input from the slow-speed card reader to the high-speed magnetic disk
B Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch
C Allocate the CPU to a job
D All of the above

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19. An instruction in a programming language that is replaced by a sequence of instructions prior to assembly or compiling is known as
A procedure name
B macro
C label
D literal

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20. Block caches or buffer caches are used
A to improve disk performance
B to handle interrupts
C to increase the capacity of the main memory
D to speed up main memory read operation

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21. The SJF algorithm executes first the job
A that last entered the queue
B that first entered the queue
C that has been in the queue the longest
D with the least processor needs

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22. Poor response times are caused by
A Processor busy
B High I/O rate
C High paging rates
D Any of the above

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23. Object modules generated by assemblers that contain unresolved external references are resolved for two or more object modules by a/an
A operating system
B loader
C linker
D compiler

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24. Producer consumer problem can be solved using
A semaphores
B event counters
C monitors
D all of the above

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25. Which of the following is a type of systems software used on microcomputers?
C Unix
D All of the above

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26. The table created by lexical analysis to describe all literals used in the source program, is
A Terminal table
B Literal table
C Identifier table
D Reductions

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27. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a daisy chaining priority control scheme?
A priority is programmable
B it is relatively easy to add more devices to the chain
C the failure of one device may affect other devices on the chain
D the number of control lines is independent of the number of devices on the chain

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28. The advantage inherent to using high level languages is
A Fewer people, less management and shorter transition in learning time
B Improved debugging capability, and superior documentation
C A greater degree of machine independence
D All of the above

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29. The practice of "bundling" refers to
A selling computers alone
B selling peripheral devices with computer
C selling software to run on computers
D giving away software with a computer purchase

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30. In which way a macro processor for assembly language can be implemented:
A independent two-pass processor
B independent one-pass processor
C processor incorporated into pass 1 of a standard two-pass assembler
D all of the above

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31. An incremental backup
A should be done each month
B uses more tapes
C saves all files
D saves only files that have recently changed

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32. If special forms are needed for printing the output, the programmer specifies these forms through?
C Utility programs
D Load modules

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33. Scheduling is
A allowing jobs to use the processor
B unrelated to performance consideration
C not required in uniprocessor systems
D the same regard-less of the purpose of the system

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34. A self-relocating program is one which
A cannot be made to execute in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation.
B consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation.
C can itself performs the relocation of its address-sensitive portions.
D All of the above

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35. Which of the following is true for machine language.
A Repeated execution of program segments
B Depicting flow of data in a system
C A sequence of instructions which, when followed properly, solves a problem
D the language which communicates with the computer using only the binary digits 1 and 0.

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36. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
A Syntax errors
B Semantic errors
C Logical errors
D Internal errors

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37. Round-robin scheduling
A allows interactive tasks quicker access to the processor
B is quite complex to implement
C gives each task the same chance at the processor
D allows processor-bound tasks more time in the processor

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38. Object code
A is ready to execute
B is the output of compilers, but not assemblers
C must be "loaded" before execution
D must be rewritten before execution

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39. The _________ tells the computer how to use its components.
A Utility
B Network
C Operating System
D Application Program

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40. Which of the following windows do not have Start Button?
A Windows Vista
B Windows 10
C Windows 8
D None of above

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41. Which of the following is not an operating system?
B Linux
C Windows
D Oracle

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42. Which of the following is an example of a mobile operating system?
A Android
B Linux
C Apple ios
D Android and Apple ios

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43. Which one is a mobile app store?
A Google play store
B Flipcart
C Facebook
D None of the above

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44. If the displayed system time and date is wrong, you can reset it using
A Calendar
B Write
C Write file
D Control panel

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45. Which of the following is not an operation of an Operating System?
A Communication manager
B Device manager
C Memory manager
D Processor manager

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46. Who developed LINUX?
A Steve Jobs
B Bill gates
C Linus Torrvalds
D Ken thompson

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47. What is Linux?
A Application Software
B Operating system
C Storage Device
D Output Device

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48. Which of the following file extension is in DOS?
D All of these

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49. Linux is a_________.
A Network operating system
B Real time operating system
C Utility program
D PDA platform

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50. Which of the following key is used to search data in a computer?
A F1
B F2
C F3
D F4

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