Operating System MCQs > FREE SET - 3

1. Which of the following instruction steps, would be written within the diamond-shaped box, of a flowchart?
A S = B - C
B IS A<10

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2. In virtual memory systems, Dynamic address translation
A is the hardware necessary to implement paging
B stores pages at a specific location on disk
C is useless when swapping is used
D is part of the operating system paging algorithm

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3. The CPU, after receiving an interrupt from an I/O device
A halts for a predetermined time
B hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device
C branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately
D branches off to the interrupt service routine after completion of the current instruction

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4. With MS-DOS which command will divide the surface of the blank floppy disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one?
A FORMAT command
B FAT command
C VER command
D CHKDSK command

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5. In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the description "creation of more optimal matrix" is associated with
A Assembly and output
B Code generation
C Syntax analysis
D Machine independent optimization

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6. Under virtual storage,
A a single program is processed by two or more CPUs
B two or more programs are stored concurrently in primary storage
C only the active pages of a program are stored in primary storage
D interprogram interference may occur

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7. In a magnetic disk, data is recorded in a set of concentric tracks which are subdivided into
A periods
B sectors
C zones
D groups

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8. The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended is called
A preemptive scheduling
B non preemptive scheduling
C shortest job first
D first come first served

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9. Resolution of externally defined symbols is performed by
A Linker
B Loader
C Compiler
D Assembler

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10. Page stealing
A is a sign of an efficient system
B is taking page frames from other working sets
C should be the tuning goal
D is taking larger disk spaces for pages paged out

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11. Seeks analysis
A is used for analyzing paging problems
B is used for analyzing device busy problems
C is used for analyzing control-unit busy problems
D is only shown on real-time displays

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12. A Processor
A is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory.
B is the device where information is stored
C is a sequence of instructions
D is typically characterized by interactive processing and time of the CPU's time to allow quick response to each user.

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13. The problem of thrashing is affected significantly by:
A program structure
B program size
C primary-storage size
D all of the above

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14. Semaphores
A synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlock
B synchronize critical resources to prevent contention
C are used to do I/O
D are used for memory management

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15. A partitioned data set is most used for
A a program or source library
B storing program data
C storing backup information
D storing ISAM files

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16. In which addressing mode the operand is given explicitly in the instruction?
A absolute mode
B immediate mode
C indirect mode
D index mode

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17. All the time a computer is switched on, its operating system software has to stay in
A main storage
B primary storage
C floppy disk
D disk drive

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18. Access time is the highest in the case of
A floppy disk
B cache
C swapping devices
D magnetic disk

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19. The instruction register
A is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed.
B is a group of electrical circuits that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory.
C contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into.
D contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write".

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20. Which policy replace a page if it is not in the favoured subset of a process's pages?
D Working set

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21. The most common security failure is
A carelessness by users
B depending on passwords
C too much emphasis on preventing physical access
D insufficient technology used to prevent breaches

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22. Terminal Table
A contains all constants in the program
B a permanent table of decision rules in the form of patterns for matching with the uniform symbol table to discover syntactic structure.
C consists of a full or partial list of the token's as they appear in the program. Created by Lexical analysis and used for syntax analysis and interpretation
D a permanent table which lists all key words and special symbols of the language in symbolic form.

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23. The working set theory of programming behaviour of processes running within an operating system involves
A the collection of pages that a process accesses
B disk scheduling mechanisms
C coalescing holes in memory
D assigning the CPU to processes

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24. Four necessary conditions for deadlock to exist are: mutual exclusion, no-preemption, circular wait and
A hold and wait
B deadlock avoidance
C race around condition
D buffer overflow

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25. File record length
A should always be fixed
B Should always be variable
C depends upon the size of the file
D should be chosen to match the data characteristics

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26. Which of the following statement is true.
A The LRU algorithm pages out pages that have been used recently
B Thrashing is a natural consequence of virtual memory systems.
C Seek analysis is used for analysing control-unit busy problems.
D All of the above

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27. A sequence of instructions, in a computer language, to get the desired result, is known as
A Algorithm
B Decision Table
C Program
D All of the above

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28. Supervisor state is
A never used
B entered by programs when they enter the processor
C required to perform any I/O
D only allowed to the operating system

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29. A page fault
A is an error is a specific page
B occurs when a program accesses a page of memory
C is an access to a page not currently in memory
D is a reference to a page belonging to another program

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30. A translator is best described as
A an application software
B a system software
C a hardware component
D all of the above

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31. What is the name given to all the programs inside the computer with makes it usable?
A Application software
B System software
C Firm ware
D Shareware

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32. The technique, for sharing the time of a computer among several jobs. Which switches jobs so rapidly such that each job appears to have the computer to itself:
A time sharing
B time out
C time domain

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33. Part of a program where the shared memory is accessed and which should be executed invisibly, is called
A semaphores
B directory
C critical section
D mutual exclusion

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34. Two basic types of operating systems are:
A sequential and direct
B batch and timesharing
C sequential and realtime
D batch and interactive

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35. In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant value to the contents of register?
A absolute mode
B indirect mode
C immediate mode
D index mode

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36. User-Friendly Systems are:
A required for object-oriented programming
B easy to develop
C common among traditional mainframe operating systems
D becoming more common

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37. In MS-DOS 5.0, which is the number that acts as a code to uniquely identify the software product?
D 5.0

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38. Which of the following is helpful in evaluating applications software what will best suit your needs?
A recommendations by other users
B computer magazines
C objective software reviews
D all of the above

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39. The computational technique used to compute the disk storage address of individual records is called:
A bubble memory
B key fielding
C dynamic reallocation
D hashing

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40. A form of code that uses more than one process and processor, possibly of different type, and that may on occasions have more than one process or processor active at the same time, is known as
A multiprogramming
B multi threading
C broadcasting
D time sharing

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41. Which of the following filename extension suggests that the file is a backup copy of another file?

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42. The principal of locality of reference justifies the use of
A reenterable
B non reusable
C virtual memory
D cache memory

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43. System programs such as Compilers are designed so that they are
A reenterable
B non reusable
C serially usable
D recursive

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44. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader is executed, called a
A "Compile and Go" loader
B Boot loader
C Bootstrap loader
D Relating loader

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45. Which of the following is not an advantage of multiprogramming?
A increased throughput
B shorter response time
C decreased operating-system overhead
D ability to assign priorities to jobs

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46. In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term "Machine independent optimization" is associated with
A recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions.
B recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols.
C creation of more optional matrix.
D use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code

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47. What is the name given to the software which can be legally compiled and often used for free?
A Shareware program
B Public domain program
C Firmware program
D Mindware

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48. Which of the following is characteristic of an operating system?
A resource management
B error recovery
C memory management
D All the above

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49. What is the name of the operating system that reads and reacts in terms of actual time.
A Batch system
B Quick response system
C Real time system
D Time sharing system

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50. A task in a blocked state
A is executable
B is running
C must still be placed in the run queues
D is waiting for same temporarily unavailable resources

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