Operating System MCQs > FREE SET - 5

1. Operating system is
A A collection of hardware components
B A collection of input-output devices
C A collection of software routines
D All of the above

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2. The Operating system manages
A Memory
B Processor
C Disks and I/O devices
D All of the above

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3. A linker
A creates a load module
B is not necessary with variable partitions
C must be run after the loader
D is not needed with a good compiler

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4. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to
A command resources
B manage resources
C provide utilities
D be user friendly

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5. System maintenance:
A is usually not necessary
B is necessary on all systems, regardless of how good
C is not required if the system is well written
D always requires several programs

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6. Which of the following statements is false?
A a process scheduling algorithm is preemptive if the CPU can be forcibly removed from a process
B time sharing systems generally use preemptive CPU scheduling
C response time are more predictable in preemptive systems than in non preemptive systems
D real time systems generally use non-preemptive CPU scheduling

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7. Daisy chain is a device for
A connecting a number of controllers to a device
B connecting a number of devices to a controller
C interconnecting a number of devices to a number of controllers
D all of the above

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8. The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and
A hardware
B peripheral
C memory
D screen

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9. A relationship between processes such that each has some part (critical section) which must not be executed while the critical section of another is being executed, is known as
A semaphore
B mutual exclusion
C multiprogramming
D multitasking

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10. A public key encryption system
A allows anyone to decode the transmission
B allows only the correct sender to decode the data
C allows only the correct receiver to decode the data
D does not encode the data before transmitting it

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11. If you want to execute more than one program at a time, the systems software you are using must be capable of
A word processing
B virtual memory
C compiling
D multitasking

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12. Multiprogramming
A is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, or pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks.
B consists of those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution of a computation.
C is a method of allocating processor time.
D allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time.

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13. The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as
A syntax analysis
B lexical analysis
C interpretation analysis
D general syntax analysis

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14. In which addressing mode the contents of a register specified in the instruction are first decremented, and then these contents are used as the effective address of the operands?
A index addressing
B indirect addressing
C auto increment
D auto decrement

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15. Inter-process communication
A is required for all processes
B is usually done via disk drives
C is never necessary,
D allows processes to synchronize activity

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16. The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is
A Operation code
B Address
C Locator
D Flip-Flop

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17. To avoid the race condition, the number of processes that may be simultaneously inside their critical section is
A 8
B 1
C 16
D 0

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18. In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term "Lexical analysis" is associated with
A recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions.
B recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols
C creation of more optional matrix.
D use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code

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19. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as
A multiprogramming
B spooling
C caching
D virtual programming

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20. The dispatcher
A actually schedules the tasks into the processor
B puts tasks in I/O wait
C is always small and simple
D never changes task priorities

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21. Advantage of using assembly language rather than machine language is
A It is mnemonic and easy to read.
B Addresses any symbolic, not absolute
C Introduction of data to program is easier
D all of the above

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22. What is the initial value of the semaphore to allow only one of the many processes to enter their critical section?
A 8
B 1
C 16
D 0

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23. Which, of the following checks, cannot be carried out on the input data to a system?
A consistency check
B Syntax check
C Range check
D All of the above

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24. The term 'polling' in a computer means a process by which a computer system
A detects/corrects errors
B multiplexes the inputs and updates the memory accordingly
C decides correct alternative by analysing several ones
D inquires to see if a terminal has any transaction to send

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25. Which of the following is a phase of a compilation process
A Lexical analysis
B Code generation
C Both of the above
D Static analysis

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26. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with
A deadlock prevention
B deadlock avoidance
C deadlock recovery
D mutual exclusion

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27. Non modifiable procedures are called
A Serially usable procedures
B Concurrent procedures
C Reentrant procedures
D Top down procedures

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28. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler?
A Reallocation
B Allocation
C Linking
D Loading

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29. The higher versions of the operating systems are so written that programs designed for earlier versions can still be run. What is it called?
A Upgradability
B Upward mobility
C Universality
D Upward compatibility

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30. The principles of structured programming forbid the use of

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31. A critical region is
A a program segment that has not been proved bug-free
B a program segment that often causes unexpected system crashes
C a program segment where shared resources are accessed
D one which is enclosed by a pair of P and V operations on semaphores

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32. A program
A is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory.
B is the device where information is stored
C is a sequence of instructions
D is typically characterized by interactive processing and time of the CPU's time to allow quick response to each user.

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33. Virtual memory is
A simple to implement
B used in all major commercial operating systems
C less efficient in utilization of memory
D useful when fast I/O devices are not available

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34. A base register table
A allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program.
B is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain.
C allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time.
D is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system.

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35. The main function of the dispatcher (the portion of the process scheduler) is
A swapping a process to the disk
B assigning ready process to the CPU
C suspending some of the processes when the CPU load is high
D bring processes from the disk to the main memory

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36. Which of the following is not true about the memory management?
A virtual memory is used only in multi-user systems
B segmentation suffers from external fragmentation
C paging suffers from internal fragmentation
D segmented memory can be paged

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37. What problem is solved by Dijkstra's banker's algorithm?
A mutual exclusion
B deadlock recovery
C deadlock avoidance
D cache coherence

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38. Bug means
A A logical error in a program
B A difficult syntax error in a program
C Documenting programs using an efficient documentation tool
D All of the above

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39. Which of the following rules out the use of GO TO?
A Flowchart
C Nassi-Shneiderman diagram
D All of the above

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40. Which of the following refers to the associative memory?
A the address of the data is generated by the CPU
B the address of the data is supplied by the users
C there is no need for an address i.e. the data is used as an address
D the data are accessed sequentially

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41. Which of the following functions are performed by the loader
A allocate space in memory for the programs and resolve symbolic references between object decks
B adjust all address dependent locations, such as address constants, to correspond to the allocated space.
C physically place the machine instructions and data into memory.
D All of the above

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42. What is the name given to the values that are automatically provided by software to reduce keystrokes and improve a computer user's productivity?
A Defined values
B Fixed values
C Default values
D Special values

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43. The macro processor must perform
A recognize macro definitions and macro calls
B save the macro definitions
C expand macros calls and substitute arguments
D all of the above

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44. A file organization component of a VSAM file is:
A relative record data set
B keyed sequential data set
C entry sequential data set
D all of the above

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45. Paging
A is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, or pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks.
B consists of those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution of a computation.
C is a method of allocating processor time.
D allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time.

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46. In memory systems, boundary registers
A are used for temporary program variable storage
B are only necessary with fixed partitions
C track page boundaries
D track the beginning and ending of programs

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47. Page-map table is
A A data file
B A directory
C Used for address translation
D All of the above

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48. In which addressing mode, the address of the location of the operand is given explicitly as a part of the instruction.
A absolute mode
B immediate mode
C index mode
D modulus mode

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49. The total time to prepare a disk drive mechanism for a block of data to be read from it is
A latency
B latency plus transmission time
C latency plus seek time
D latency plus seek time plus transmission time

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50. Which of the following, is necessary to work on a computer
A Compiler
B Operating system
C Assembly
D Interpreter of the above

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